Ever been out shopping at Target, scanned an item with Amazon’s pricing app, then bought the item (cheaper) from Amazon? If so, you’re an omnichannel shopper. The fact that everybody does that same thing these days actually has a huge impact on your business. Learn the facts: How does this trend affect suppliers?
Welcome to the Age of the Omnichannel Shopper
These days, shopping is different. The new “digital consumer” comes into stores armed with information about competitive pricing, as well as in-depth product knowledge and reviews at their fingertips. These customers expect immediate and unlimited access to more products and options than ever before. In fact, statistics suggest that 78 million shoppers in 2014 will see and touch a product in the store… and then find a better deal online.
But Wait, Isn’t This Just a Retailer Problem?
Um, no. Omnichannel shoppers now place more demands on you. I know you’re a supplier, but this is your problem, too.
Good news: These customers buy new products anytime and anywhere, and they usually develop more brand loyalty and spend more than “traditional” shoppers. In short, today’s shoppers are buying more of specific products, and they also really dislike your competition.
Bad news: When customers choose to buy products online, they will demand immediate shipping and 100% order fulfillment accuracy. If their exact product doesn’t arrive tomorrow and fit their needs perfectly… they won’t want to actually keep it. And if they’re unhappy, they’ll blast you on Facebook. Ouch.
In the Omnichannel Age, orders will be coming in to you faster than ever before and only suppliers who have a solid understanding of their step-by-step supply chain processes (and who can take care of possible delays immediately) will be able to maintain the crucial relationships they have with their trading partners / retailers.
What Suppliers Need to Know to Survive
Because retailers these days face bigger competition than ever before, the pressures placed on suppliers like you increase daily. Now, the consequences for supplier noncompliance mark the end of your company’s success.
What Can Suppliers Do?
Now, more than ever, is the time for suppliers to be proactive and to take control of their end-to-end supply chain through the use of an effective and effortless supply chain management system like MAPADOC EDI.
Want to Learn More?
Attend MAPADOC and SPS Commerce’s informative, hour-long conference at Sage Summit to learn the inside information about what retailers are requiring of their suppliers and how you can exceed their expectations to stay competitive in the new age of the omnichannel customer.
The Retail Industry’s Reset Moment:
How the Power of the Consumer Is Impacting Your Business
Wednesday, July 30
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Banyan C
Speakers: Dane DeSantis, Hellene Thurston
Can’t attend the session because you won’t be at Sage Summit? Click the button below to get in touch with us directly.
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