A Message from SWK’s CEO on COVID-19 and How it Will Effect Our Operations
With the spread and concerns over coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to take a moment to share SWK’s state of preparation with you.
Our top priority is, and always will be, the safety and well-being of our employees, customers, partners, their families, and the communities in which we live, learn, and work.
Our executive and senior management teams have been meeting regularly since the initial concerns were raised about Coronavirus several weeks ago. During that time, we enacted contingency plans across the U.S. to safeguard our employees while ensuring uninterrupted support for our customers.
We began by identifying customer needs across regions and reviewing our resources. We then validated our employees’ local, regional, and remote work capabilities across all our practices to ensure our ability to support our customers and maintain all internal SWK functions. Of course, as a technology company, our employees are already proficient at working remotely, but we chose to add another layer of infrastructure and application support to further bolster our operations and capabilities.
The key components of our emergency plan are as follows:
- Communication framework for informing our employees and customers on a regular basis about the current state of Coronavirus, and the SWK actions we have taken to keep everyone safe and engaged. We continue to assess the news and are following recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local authorities.
- Limiting employee air travel and exposure to mass crowds. Our preemptive effort to validate remote work capabilities has allowed us to significantly reduce travel and exposure.
- Shutting down SWK offices in areas of Coronavirus “clusters.” To date, only our North New Jersey office has been limited to essential personnel, but we continue to monitor the situation around our other offices.
- Providing a line of communication for employees who have concerns or questions about Coronavirus.
Our customer account management, consulting, and help desk services are running at 100% to support you and will continue to do so. Our team remains committed to providing you with the highest level of service and support you’ve come to expect from SWK.
As the Coronavirus tests the grit and fortitude of all businesses across our country, we are committed to employee and customer support, open communications, and business continuity across our ecosystem. As with so many challenges we’ve faced in the past, we can and will prevail.
Should you have any questions or concerns, or if your organization requires any additional technical or non-technical support, do not hesitate to contact me or your SWK representative directly at any time.
Wishing you well,
Mark Meller
Chief Executive Officer
SWK Technologies, Inc.
Please contact us if you have any questions