Even if you’ve been using Sage 100 for years, this is a great time to take another look at functionality that you may not be fully utilizing. Learn helpful tips in this brief Sage 100cloud tutorial review of Sage 100 – Accounts Receivable Options by SWK SVP of STAT, Merilyn Van Zwieten:
Sage 100 – Accounts Receivable Options
Welcome to SWK’s video series on Sage 100. This video is going to provide a brief review of Accounts Receivable Options.
So often, after you’re up and working in Sage for years, you forget to come back and look at some of the options that were not important to you at the time that you set up your system. Now may be a good time to take a peek and see what this is all about. I am only going to review a few, but hopefully they will be useful to you.
Accounts Receivable Options TAB 1: Main
The first is Accounts Receivable Divisions. You’ll notice that I have this checked. Because I have this checked, let’s pop over to customer maintenance. You’ll see that there are two characters in front of all of my customers. These are the Division Numbers. When we have Division Numbers, we have the opportunity to post certain account numbers into their own individual accounts, let’s say Accounts Receivable. Maybe we have two divisions and you’d like to break them up into two separate Accounts Receivable accounts. You can see here are your choices.
The other thing that’s nice about Accounts Receivable Divisions, is that it’s so simple to run reports. Let’s say you have an aging report and two separate people are responsible for collections. They could each have their own report, without having to worry about what customers are going to be worked on by whom.
Another thing that is interesting is the Allowance of an Expanded Customer Number. The default customer number is seven characters. If I would click on this (which, by the way I’m not going to do) it will prompt me and it will change my customer number length from seven characters to 20 characters. Just remember, if you select this, you won’t be able to go back to those seven characters. It is definitely a permanent change and you’ll be alerted that that is what will happen. When we look at Customer Maintenance or Customer Inquiry, we see invoices. You actually have a choice on how invoices are displayed, either by invoice number, ascending or descending invoice date. You, of course, choose the one that would make the most sense for you.
And also, do we want to display invoices with zero balances? Without this checked, let me pop back over to a customer maintenance, and a let’s take a look and see what that means. When I’m at Invoices, you’ll notice that all of my invoices have a balance. If I come over to my little search icon, if I would click on Display Zero Balance Invoices, you’ll see that I now have a few invoices that have zeros. So what is the most convenient for you? To have them or not have them? Either way, when you are looking at an individual customer, you can come to this icon and make your change.
Accounts Receivable Options TAB 2: Additional
There are two things that I like in this area. First, we have some aging options. Do we want to age invoices by the invoice date or by the due date? Everybody likes something a little different, so choose the one that works the best for you. What is nice about this is, you can go back and forth to test how each works, without causing a problem and you could do this at any time. So, if I’m using Invoice Date and I want see what it would look like if I ran my Aging Report, to do that by Due Date. Give it a try.
Second is our Aging Categories. We have the option of choosing Months and then it assigns 1234 or Days, and days do not need to be 30, 60, 90, 120. You can make those days whatever you want them to be.
Accounts Receivable Options TAB 4: Entry
There is something here that I think is interesting: the ability to auto increment Customer Numbers. What this means is, if I go into Customer Maintenance and create a new number, and I’m going to click on this little icon here. You’ll notice it as me for a Division, because it doesn’t know and I will pick Division 2. It’s going to auto assign that next number that was in that set-up field. Now I would go through and set up this a customer as I normally do. If that check box is not enabled, then you will not see this icon here.
These are just a few little things that I think of might be helpful for you to review. In your Options, you’ll notice that there’s quite a few options to take a look at. If it’s been a while since you’ve done so, you might want take a little peak and see what’s going on. See what you’re missing.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this video. Hope this been helpful.
Thanks for watching!
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