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COVID-19 may have disrupted the progression of your construction projects, but you can ensure the safety and productivity of your job sites with this checklist provided by Acumatica. Widespread social distancing has been helped greatly by technology, and deploying a modern software solution will empower you to enable seamless remote work during these chaotic times. This checklist will aid you in determining what you need in a construction solution, as well as the steps you will need to take to guarantee the safety of your project sites.
On-premise software and IT systems are being progressively outclassed by the technological benefits cloud applications provide. With the ability to scale for different consumptions models (SaaS, IaaS, multi-tenant and more), hosting your digital resources through the web provides greater flexibility for how you deploy your applications and network infrastructure. As the construction industry learns how to truly take advantage of digital transformation, you can leap past your peers and competitors by leveraging cloud technology to help limit the dangers of COVID-19 to your project sites.
Here are eight ways this checklist will help you ensure construction project safety and enable productivity through cloud software and jobsite best practice during the pandemic:
Keep Construction Project Jobsites Safe with Cloud Software
These four tips will help you take advantage of the benefits of cloud platforms to limit physical contact and facilitate social distancing.
Allow for Device Flexibility with a Mobile Software App
The world has gone well past novel Sci-Fi genre concepts when it comes to many mobile computing applications. If your ERP or desktop accounting software does not allow for smartphone or tablet deployment, you are not only limiting your field service operations, but putting onsite employees and subcontractors at risk. Handheld devices connected to back office databases are being increasingly adopted in construction, and this checklist will help you discover why your projects need mobility during COVID-19.
Some other benefits of mobile cloud software apps include:
- Enabling field teams and supervisors to enter and review data in real-time
- Fast track approvals on invoices and executables
- Receive regular updates and keep everyone informed of developments at multiple project stages
Enable Seamless Remote Work with Back Office Cloud Computing
The new normal requires uninterrupted access to data and digital workflows, enabling back end users to switch seamlessly between old workspace models and working from home. Leveraging cloud computing lets you keep all of your stakeholders connected to your system from anywhere and collaborate at any time. This checklist will help you determine if your current software is driving up your costs as well as exposing project stakeholders to COVID-19 risk.
Other benefits of construction cloud systems include:
- Prevent delays with instant data streams and communication channels, immediately updating for project changes
- Produce digital audit trails for every action, allowing you to traceback every decision and transaction
- Customize workflows and data fields to adapt your system to your existing processes and enable operational scalability
Share Data in Real-time and Eliminate Siloes
Even the most basic of productivity applications grant users the ability to collaborate on projects and share data in real-time. Active file sharing and simultaneous interaction delivered in the cloud ensures employees and subcontractors can work faster, without having to hold up projects trying to track down the right information and decision-makers. Read the checklist and discover if data siloes are holding back your operations.
Additional advantages of real-time data sharing for construction contractors include:
- Improved visibility from the back end to field teams onsite
- Ensure accuracy on projects by keeping decision-makers informed at all times
- Eliminate manual tracking and communication requirements for disparate reports, receipts and other files
Deliver Reporting Automation and Remove Manual Processes
Traditional manual entry and reporting simply will not be efficient during COVID-19, between the time wasted with spreadsheets and the exposure risks of relying on paper-based processes. Migrating to a completely digital platform will not only enable you to move these processes online, but also leverage automation to mitigate human error and redundancy. Consult Acumatica’s checklist to discover if you need to streamline your reporting, and prevent it from holding back your ROI.
Leveraging reporting automation also allows you to:
- Program automated alerts to avoid having to manually track data fields
- Ensure accuracy and compliance with pre-established guidelines
- Quickly calculate costs utilizing advanced accounting functionality
Keep Construction Project Jobsites Safe with Best Practices
These four tips will help you ensure safety with back office and onsite best practice, augmented by technology where applicable.
Standardize Universal Safety Policies for COVID-19
With COVID-19, limiting exposure is of the upmost importance, and this is best done through restricting infection channels. Physical contact is confirmed to be able transmit the virus to mucus membranes, but many new theories also raise the possibility of its airborne spread and longevity. Establishing and enforcing safety procedures for jobsites will help prevent your project from becoming an outbreak epicenter.
Provide Social Distancing Training Procedures and Equipment
To enable employees and subcontractors to follow safety protocols, you also have to supply them with best practice training and personal protective equipment (PPE). You must also be able to deploy some form of wellness check to screen for potentially unnoticed symptoms and unknowing coronavirus carriers. Additionally, having a connected field management mobile app will allow your onsite supervisors to manage and upload this data to your back end system.
Keep Subcontractors Connected to Best Practice
Subcontractors can add an extra layer of proficiency to your jobsite, but can also add additional liability during COVID-19 with having an external party sharing the same physical space. Your safety procedures in place must also extend to them if you want to guarantee project site safety. Ensure that these standards are available and enforced through your connected data systems and mobile apps.
Arrange for Sanitization of Project Site
Coronavirus, though persistent compared to similar viruses, has proven to be susceptible to certain disinfectants like isopropyl alcohol and bleach solutions. To ensure your project jobsite continues to operate without an outbreak, you must arrange to sanitize all areas where human contact can and will occur.
Download the COVID-19 Checklist
COVID-19 may be a disruptive crisis, but it has not proven insurmountable. Taking the right steps will go a long way to ensure your business survives the pandemic and your employees and subcontractors are safe while still remaining productive.
Download the checklist by Acumatica below to make sure you take all the right steps to protect your project jobsites, and that you have all the tools that empower you to do so.